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Jacob Mattingley, Ph.D.
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Automatic code generation for embedded convex optimization
Computer modeling of convex problems
CVXGEN, an online tool for creating extremely fast solvers
CVXMOD, a Python tool for convex optimization
jemdoc, a light, equation
supporting, text-based markup language for creating websites
CVXGEN: A Code Generator for Embedded Convex Optimization, J. Mattingley and S. Boyd, Optimization and Engineering, 13(1):1–27, 2012
Code Generation for Receding Horizon Control, J. Mattingley, Y. Wang and S. Boyd, Proceedings IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, pages 985–992, Yokohama, Japan, September 2010
Real-Time Convex Optimization in Signal Processing, J. Mattingley and S. Boyd, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 27(3):50–61, May 2010
Automatic Code Generation for Real-Time Convex Optimization, J. Mattingley and S. Boyd, chapter in Convex Optimization in Signal Processing and Communications, Y. Eldar and D. Palomar, Eds., Cambridge University Press, 2009
Code Generation for Embedded Convex Optimization, given at Stanford University in October 2010, and NASA JPL and Caltech in November 2010.
Code Generation for Receding Horizon Control, given at IEEE MSC in Yokohama, Japan, September 2010
Embedded Convex Optimization, given at UC Berkeley and at KU Leuven, March 2010
CVXMOD: Convex Optimization in Python, given at the INFORMS Annual Meeting in Washington DC, 2008
Instructor for:
Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems (EE263s), Stanford University, Summer 2009
Embedded and Convex Optimization for Control, one week course, KU Leuven, Belgium, March 2010
Teaching assistant at Stanford University for:
Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems (EE263), Autumn 2006, 2007 and 2008
Linear Dynamical Systems (EE363), Winter 2009
Convex Optimization I (EE364a), Winter 2008
Convex Optimization II (EE364b), Winter 2007 and Spring 2008
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, March 2011
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, June 2007
B.E. (Hons) (First class), Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canterbury University, April 2005
Extremely short Matlab LP solvers (fewer than 80 characters per solver)
vim:essentials, a short page describing some of the essential features of the vim text editor
Various computation speeds in C