Matrix multiplication speeds in C

The following graphs compare naïve and (non-ATLAS) BLAS implementations of matrix multiplication in C. They use the same Intel Core Duo Linux machine at 1.66GHz. The computation is C = AB, where A, B and C are all full matrices in mathbf{R}^{ntimes n}. For the smaller matrices, at least one second was spent repeating the multiplication, to get a higher precision result.

Code was compiled with gcc 4.3.1 and options -O2 -funroll-loops. No performance improvement was observed with -O3. (See computation speeds for some reference measurements on the same computer.)

Naïve code
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        C[i + j*n] = 0;
        for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
            C[i + j*n] += A[i + k*n]*B[k + n*j];
BLAS code
dgemm_(&charN, &charN, &n, &n, &n, &one_d, A, &n, B, &n, &zero_d, C, &n);

For comparison, a simple multiply-add was timed with vectors of length 200 (ie, using level 2 cache only). This reference time was scaled by n^3 and plotted on the same chart below. Apparently BLAS even schedules instructions better than would be possible by just repeating this primitive operation.

z[i] += x[i] * y[i];

Multiplication time

(All three graphs are the same: the first and second use (different) logarithmic scales on the y-axis, while the second has logarithmic scales on both the x- and the y-axes.)


